Source code for z2pack.invariant

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This submodule contains functions for calculating the topological invariants from the result of a WCC / Wilson loop calculation.

from fsc.export import export

from ._utils import _pol_step, _sgng, _check_kramers_pairs

[docs]@export def chern(surface_result): r""" Computes the Chern number corresponding to a given surface result. :param surface_result: Result of a WCC calculation on a Surface. :type surface_result: :class:`.SurfaceResult` or :class:`.SurfaceData` Example code: .. code :: python result = print(z2pack.invariant.chern(result)) # Prints the Chern number """ return sum(_pol_step(surface_result.pol))
[docs]@export def z2(surface_result, check_kramers_pairs=True): # pylint: disable=invalid-name r""" Computes the :math:`\mathbb{Z}_2` invariant corresponding to a given surface result. :param surface_result: Result of a WCC calculation on a Surface. :type surface_result: :class:`.SurfaceResult` or :class:`.SurfaceData` :param check_kramers_pairs: Check whether the WCC at the edge of the surface come in degenerate pairs. This is a requirement for having a well-defined Z2 invariant. :type check_kramers_pairs: bool Example code: .. code :: python result = print(z2pack.invariant.z2(result)) # Prints the Z2 invariant """ wcc = surface_result.wcc if check_kramers_pairs and wcc: if not ( _check_kramers_pairs(list(wcc[0])) and _check_kramers_pairs(list(wcc[-1])) ): raise ValueError( 'The given WCC are not degenerate Kramers pairs at the edges of the surface.' ) gap = surface_result.gap_pos inv = 1 for gap_left, gap_right, wcc_right in zip(gap, gap[1:], wcc[1:]): for wcc_pos in wcc_right: inv *= _sgng(gap_left, gap_right, wcc_pos) return 1 if inv == -1 else 0