Source code for z2pack.surface._data

"""Defines the data containers for surface calculations."""

from fsc.export import export
from import ConstLocker
from sortedcontainers import SortedList

[docs]@export class SurfaceData(metaclass=ConstLocker): """ Data container for a surface calculation. It contains the :class:`.LineResult` instances of all the lines on the surface which have been calculated. The following properties / attributes can be accessed: * ``t`` : A tuple containing all current line positions. * ``lines`` : A sorted list of objects which have two attributes ``t`` (the position, which is the sorting key) and ``result`` (the line's result). The attributes of the underlying :class:`.LineResult` instances can be directly accessed from the :class:`.SurfaceData` object. This will create a list of attributes for all lines, in the order of their position. """ # cannot be pickled if it is a local method (lambda) in __init__ # when python3.4 support is dropped, operator.attrgetter can be used @staticmethod def _sort_key(x): return x.t def __init__(self, lines=()): self.lines = SortedList(lines, key=self._sort_key)
[docs] def add_line(self, t, result): """Adds a line result to the list of lines. :param t: Position of the line (:math:`t_1`). :type t: float :param result: Result of the line calculation. :type result: :class:`.LineResult` """ self.lines.add(LinePosition(t, result))
def __getattr__(self, key): if key != 'lines': return [getattr(line, key) for line in self.lines] raise AttributeError @property def t(self): return tuple(line.t for line in self.lines)
[docs] def nearest_neighbour_dist(self, t): """ Returns the distance between :math:`t` and the nearest existing line. """ if not self.t: return 1 return min(abs(t - tval) for tval in self.t)
class LinePosition: """Wraps the line result and its position in the surface.""" __slots__ = ['t', 'result'] def __init__(self, t, result): self.t = t self.result = result def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in ['t', 'result']: return getattr(self.result, key) return super().__getattribute__(key)