Source code for z2pack.surface._result

""""Defines the result (data + convergence information) object for surface calculations."""

from fsc.export import export

from .._result import Result

[docs]@export class SurfaceResult(Result): """Container for the data, state and convergence status of a surface calculation. The attributes / properties of the data object (:class:`SurfaceData`) can be accessed directly from the :class:`SurfaceResult` object. Example: .. code:: python result = print(result.t) # prints the positions of the lines print(result.pol) # prints the sum of WCC for each line """ @property def convergence_report(self): r""" Convergence report (as a dict) for the result. The keys of the dictionary indicate the type of convergence test. For each of the tests, a dictionary with keys 'PASSED', 'FAILED' and (optionally) 'MISSING' shows the number of tests of this kind which either passed, failed, or were not performed.""" report = dict() line_report = dict() line_c_ctrl = set() for line in self.lines: line_c_ctrl.update(line.ctrl_convergence.keys()) for c_ctrl in sorted(list(line_c_ctrl)): ctrl_report = dict() passed_t = [] failed_t = [] missing_t = [] for line in self.lines: try: if line.ctrl_convergence[c_ctrl]: passed_t.append(line.t) else: failed_t.append(line.t) except KeyError: missing_t.append(line.t) ctrl_report['PASSED'] = passed_t ctrl_report['FAILED'] = failed_t ctrl_report['MISSING'] = missing_t line_report[c_ctrl] = ctrl_report report['line'] = line_report surface_report = dict() for c_ctrl, converged in sorted(self.ctrl_convergence.items()): if converged is None: ctrl_report = None else: ctrl_report = dict() ctrl_report['PASSED'] = [] ctrl_report['FAILED'] = [] for t_pair, conv in zip( zip(self.t[:-1], self.t[1:]), converged ): if conv: ctrl_report['PASSED'].append(t_pair) else: ctrl_report['FAILED'].append(t_pair) surface_report[c_ctrl] = ctrl_report report['surface'] = surface_report return report