Source code for z2pack.tb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the class for creating systems based on `TBmodels <>`_ tight-binding models.

import copy
from collections import ChainMap

from fsc.export import export
from .hm import System as _HmSystem

[docs]@export class System(_HmSystem): r""" System class for tight-binding models. :param tb_model: The tight-binding model. :type tb_model: Instance of :class:`tbmodels.Model` or one of its subclasses. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`.hm.System`. The ``pos``, ``bands`` and ``dim`` keywords of :class:`.hm.System` are determined from the ``tb_model`` unless otherwise specified. """ def __init__(self, tb_model, **kwargs): super().__init__( hamilton=tb_model.hamilton, convention=2, **ChainMap( kwargs, dict( pos=copy.deepcopy(tb_model.pos), bands=tb_model.occ, dim=tb_model.dim ) ) )