Source code for z2pack.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This submodule contains all functions for plotting Z2Pack results."""

import colorsys

import decorator
import numpy as np
from fsc.export import export

from ._utils import _pol_step

def _plot(proj_3d=False):
    """Decorator that sets up the figure axes and handles options common to all plots."""
    def inner(func, data, *, axis=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
        # import is here s.t. the import of the package does not fail
        # if matplotlib is not present
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,unused-import

        # create axis if it does not exist
        if axis is None:
            return_fig = True
            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d' if proj_3d else None)
            return_fig = False

        axis.set_xlim(0, 1)
        axis.set_ylim(0, 1)
        if proj_3d:
            axis.set_zlim(0, 1)

        func(data, axis=axis, **kwargs)

        if return_fig:
            return fig

    return inner

def _plot_gaps(surface_result, *, axis, gaps, gap_settings):
    if gaps:
        for offset in [-1, 0, 1]:
                [gap_pos % 1 + offset for gap_pos in surface_result.gap_pos],

[docs]@export @_plot() def wcc_symmetry( surface_result, *, axis=None, symmetry_operator, wcc_settings={ 's': 50., 'lw': 1. }, gaps=True, gap_settings={ 'marker': 'D', 'color': 'b', 'linestyle': 'none' }, color_fct=lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb( np.imag(np.log(x)) / (2 * np.pi) % 1, min(1, np.exp(-abs(x) + 1)), min(1, abs(x)) ) ): r""" Plots the WCCs and the largest gaps (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis). The WCC are colored according to their symmetry expectation value for a given symmetry operator. .. note :: This works only if all lines are created from eigenstates, i.e. they are :class:`.EigenstateLineData` instances (not :class:`.WccLineData`). :param surface_result: Result for which the plot is drawn. :type surface_result: :class:`.SurfaceResult` or :class:`.SurfaceData` :param axis: Axis where the plot is drawn :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param symmetry_operator: Symmetry operator according to which the WCC are colored, given as a 2D array. :type symmetry_operator: numpy.array :param wcc_settings: Keyword arguments for the scatter plot of the wcc positions. :type wcc_settings: dict :param gaps: Controls whether the largest gaps are printed. :type gaps: bool :param gap_settings: Keyword arguments for the plot of the gap positions. :type gap_settings: dict :param color_fct: Function converting the symmetry operator eigenvalues to color codes. :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance (only for ``axis=None``). """ _plot_gaps(surface_result, axis=axis, gaps=gaps, gap_settings=gap_settings) for line in surface_result.lines: basis_transformation = np.array(line.eigenstates)[0] colors = [] for w_eigenstate in line.wilson_eigenstates: colors.append( color_fct(, basis_transformation), symmetry_operator,, w_eigenstate.T) ) ) ) ) for offset in [-1, 0, 1]: axis.scatter([line.t] * len(line.wcc), [x % 1 + offset for x in line.wcc], facecolors=colors, **wcc_settings)
[docs]@export @_plot() def wcc( surface_result, *, axis=None, wcc_settings={ 's': 50., 'lw': 1., 'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolors': 'k' }, gaps=True, gap_settings={ 'marker': 'D', 'color': 'b', 'linestyle': 'none' } ): r""" Plots the WCCs and the largest gaps (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis). :param surface_result: Result for which the plot is drawn. :type surface_result: :class:`.SurfaceResult` or :class:`.SurfaceData` :param axis: Axis where the plot is drawn :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param wcc_settings: Keyword arguments for the scatter plot of the wcc positions. :type wcc_settings: dict :param gaps: Controls whether the largest gaps are shown. Default: ``True`` :type gaps: bool :param gap_settings: Keyword arguments for the plot of the gap positions. :type gap_settings: dict :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance (only for ``axis=None``). """ _plot_gaps(surface_result, axis=axis, gaps=gaps, gap_settings=gap_settings) for line in surface_result.lines: for offset in [-1, 0, 1]: axis.scatter([line.t] * len(line.wcc), [x % 1 + offset for x in line.wcc], **wcc_settings)
[docs]@export @_plot() def chern( surface_result, *, axis=None, settings={ 'marker': 'o', 'markerfacecolor': 'r', 'color': 'r' } ): r""" Plots the sum of WCCs (polarization) (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis). :param surface_result: Result for which the plot is drawn. :type surface_result: :class:`.SurfaceResult` or :class:`.SurfaceData` :param axis: Axis where the plot is drawn :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param settings: Keyword arguments for the plotting function. :type settings: dict :returns: :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance (only for ``axis=None``). """ t_list = surface_result.t pol = surface_result.pol pol_step = _pol_step(pol) for offset in [-1, 0, 1]: for t, p_value, p_step in zip(zip(t_list, t_list[1:]), pol, pol_step): axis.plot( t, [p_value + offset, p_value + p_step + offset], **settings ) for t, p_value, p_step in zip( zip(t_list, t_list[1:]), pol[1:], pol_step ): axis.plot( t, [p_value - p_step + offset, p_value + offset], **settings )
[docs]@export @_plot(proj_3d=True) def wcc_3d(volume_result, *, axis=None, settings={}): """ Plots the WCCs (z-axis) for a volume calculation against their reciprocal space coordinates. :param volume_result: Result for which the plot is drawn. :type volume_result: :class:`.VolumeResult` or :class:`.VolumeData` :param axis: Axis where the plot is drawn :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes3DSubplot :param settings: Settings passed to the ``scatter`` function. :type settings: dict """ surface_positions = volume_result.s line_positions = volume_result.t volume_wcc = volume_result.wcc x_values = [] y_values = [] z_values = [] for x, line_pos, surface_wcc in zip( surface_positions, line_positions, volume_wcc ): for y, line_wcc in zip(line_pos, surface_wcc): for z in line_wcc: x_values.append(x) y_values.append(y) z_values.append(z) axis.scatter(xs=x_values, ys=y_values, zs=z_values, **settings)