
This submodule contains all functions for plotting Z2Pack results.

z2pack.plot.chern(surface_result, *, axis=None, settings=mappingproxy({'marker': 'o', 'markerfacecolor': 'r', 'color': 'r'}))[source]

Plots the sum of WCCs (polarization) (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis).


matplotlib.figure.Figure instance (only for axis=None).

z2pack.plot.wcc(surface_result, *, axis=None, wcc_settings=mappingproxy({'s': 50.0, 'lw': 1.0, 'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolors': 'k'}), gaps=True, gap_settings=mappingproxy({'marker': 'D', 'color': 'b', 'linestyle': 'none'}))[source]

Plots the WCCs and the largest gaps (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis).

  • surface_result (SurfaceResult or SurfaceData) – Result for which the plot is drawn.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Axis where the plot is drawn

  • wcc_settings (dict) – Keyword arguments for the scatter plot of the wcc positions.

  • gaps (bool) – Controls whether the largest gaps are shown. Default: True

  • gap_settings (dict) – Keyword arguments for the plot of the gap positions.


matplotlib.figure.Figure instance (only for axis=None).

z2pack.plot.wcc_3d(volume_result, *, axis=None, settings=mappingproxy({}))[source]

Plots the WCCs (z-axis) for a volume calculation against their reciprocal space coordinates.

  • volume_result (VolumeResult or VolumeData) – Result for which the plot is drawn.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes3DSubplot) – Axis where the plot is drawn

  • settings (dict) – Settings passed to the scatter function.

z2pack.plot.wcc_symmetry(surface_result, *, axis=None, symmetry_operator, wcc_settings=mappingproxy({'s': 50.0, 'lw': 1.0}), gaps=True, gap_settings=mappingproxy({'marker': 'D', 'color': 'b', 'linestyle': 'none'}), color_fct=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Plots the WCCs and the largest gaps (y-axis) against the t-points (x-axis). The WCC are colored according to their symmetry expectation value for a given symmetry operator.


This works only if all lines are created from eigenstates, i.e. they are EigenstateLineData instances (not WccLineData).

  • surface_result (SurfaceResult or SurfaceData) – Result for which the plot is drawn.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Axis where the plot is drawn

  • symmetry_operator (numpy.array) – Symmetry operator according to which the WCC are colored, given as a 2D array.

  • wcc_settings (dict) – Keyword arguments for the scatter plot of the wcc positions.

  • gaps (bool) – Controls whether the largest gaps are printed.

  • gap_settings (dict) – Keyword arguments for the plot of the gap positions.

  • color_fct – Function converting the symmetry operator eigenvalues to color codes.


matplotlib.figure.Figure instance (only for axis=None).